

TGCG2018軟硬式氣槍購買指南 中文版
TGCG2018軟硬式氣槍購買指南 中文版
TGCG2018軟硬式氣槍購買指南 中文版
TGCG2018軟硬式氣槍購買指南 中文版

TGCG2018軟硬式氣槍購買指南 中文版

定價:$ 350 TWD 新台幣
實體書:$ 200 TWD 新台幣
電子書:$ 160 TWD 新台幣

2018 年TGCG2018

戰鬥王(CKM)特邀來自烏克蘭的漂亮美眉Anastasiia為我們拍攝2018年軟硬式氣槍購買指南》(2018 Airsoft & Airgun Consumer Guide)的封面,現居波爾塔瓦(Poltava)的她生於2000926日,年紀雖輕卻已有兩年多的工作經驗,目前在東京、上海和台北這幾個城市中穿梭,也留下了年輕美麗的身影;這是她扮演的是伊拉克戰爭中的私人軍事顧問,手持利成科技(LCT)最新上市的限量木托版LC-3步槍,在酷勁的外表下流露出幾許柔媚嬌俏的氣息…

當期目錄 手槍 衝鋒槍 突擊步槍 狙擊槍 硬式氣槍


    LCT LC-3 Wooden Stock Limited Edition

    利成科技(LCT)公司在生產了一系列獲得好評的LC-3電槍之後,決定擴大產品線,以提供玩家們更多樣式的新款電槍,在經過仔細評估之後,決定生產G3步槍的始祖版配置木質槍托與護木的木托限量版LC-3電槍;由於LCT本身就專精於模具設計與製造,對於其所生產的電槍產品,當然要求的標準也相對來得高,不但砸下重金打造LC-3的模具,整個製作流程也堅持精準擬真,整支LC-3除了火控之外,所有金屬部件規格皆與實銃無異,這次推出的LC-3木托限定版也剛好印證LCT LC-3接受實銃零件直上的考驗,然而這些曾經在戰場上使用過的木托和護木,經過不少操作碰撞和歲月洗禮,已呈現歲月的滄桑,不過經過仔細清理和調整過,依舊順利地裝上每一支LC-3槍身,小編在首次拿到這組木托限定版時,幾乎感覺不到它是一把電槍,從木托上發散出的槍油味兒和渾厚的色澤,心中的槍魂跟著再度燃燒起來,木質護木上的金屬箍環,雖然頗有歲月痕跡但也能與電槍緊密結合,手感與新槍完全無異。

    APS Shark



    The Shark is the best GBB automatic pistol ever been made by APS. It’s modified and improved after APS collected critical opinions from previous GBB pistol users. Even its name was selected by customers’ voting. If you wanna know more about Shark, just read this article….


    AW MB Series Hard Air Pistol





    Armorer Works is famous for its 6mm caliber custom-made GBB pistols in the past.

    Now, they’re releasing the brand new MB series hard air pistol, which is powered by

    CO2 and may fire 4.5mm or 5.5mm caliber metal ball bullet. Compared with gas

    powered airsoft pistol, the muzzle velocity of AW MB series HAP is relatively high,

    which may provide you more fun that pretty similar to real pistol….


    ICS BLE XFG GBB Pistol

    一芝軒子品牌黑豹(BLE)在去年推出〝阿爾發〞(Alpha) GBB手槍後,由於性價比頗高,因此玩家的反應熱烈,於是ICS的設計團隊便針對玩家的實戰需求,繼續開發出次世代的XFG氣動手槍,除了延續Alpha的優良血統之外,並增加更多實用的設計,讓玩家們下場更能得心應手

    ICS released BLE Alpha GBB pistol in 2016, and the response from consumers were beyond expectation. In this case, ICS continue to develop the BLE new generation XFG GBB pistol, which will surely satisfy the demands of survival game players….  


    King Arms PT IST M1911

    美國〝猛禽戰術〞(Predator Tactical)槍廠在2016年與King Arms合作,打造出第一把正式授權的仿真競技用氣槍-鐵伯勞M1911(Iron Shrike 1911),結果大受歡迎,King Arms於是不惜重金再度打造全新的鐵伯勞戰術版M1911手槍,槍身採用了時下最流行的黑、金雙色設計,勢必擄獲槍迷的心

    Predator Tactical authorized King Arms to manufactured the Iron Shrike 1911 GBB pistol in 2016, and it was quite successful in the market then. Under such circumstances, KA decided to cooperate with PT again to release the brand new Iron Shrike Tactical M1911. It’s fitted with trendy black and golden color design, which will certainly grab your heart….


    KJ CZ 75 SP-01 ACCU Shadow

    由捷克兵工廠於1975年所生產的CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow,是一把全鋼結構及鍛造鋼管的半自動手槍,它是專為特種部隊所設計的,憑藉其準確性和穩定性,在IPSC運動中也頗受歡迎,KJ Works取得ASG授權後,複製了以CO2為動力的CZ SP-01 Shadow GBB手槍,不管在手感和操作感上均與實銃相差幾

    The Czech made CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow is a steel structure, forged barrel, semi-auto pistol designed for special force. With its accuracy and stability, the Shadow has become more and more popular in IPSC. KJ Works has gained authorization from ASG, and produces the replica of CZ 75 SP-01 in GBB form. This CO2 operated pistol performs very similar to the real gun….


    Bolt SWAT A4 Tac

    崇杉貿易公司(Bolt)2017年初推出SWAT ERB大受歡迎,它的強大的後座力系統在電槍界引起熱烈討論,更在生存遊戲界投下震撼彈,現在Bolt決定再加碼升級更多配備的〝SWAT A4 Tactical〞,以滿足更高階玩家們的需求

    Bolt launched the SWAT ERB SMG in 2017, and the responses of consumers were pretty good. In this case, Bolt decides to release this upgraded new SWAT A4 Tac, in order to satisfy those senior airsoft players….


    G&G Combat Machine ARP-9



    By using the experience gained from Extreme Shooting Sports, G&G has developed a light-weight and highly-maneuverable SMG, which is suitable for survival game and CQB training. This AEG is called “Combat Machine ARP-9” and it will be released in recent days….



    A&K M4 Keymod HCV


    A&K向來以生產專業氣槍產品而著稱,以高工藝水平製造的高射速氣槍,非常適合做為競技用槍,此一M4 Keymod HCV電槍是A&K2018年所推出的高射速系列的最新產品之一,玩家不可錯過

    A&K is well-known for manufacturing professional airsoft rifle. This M4 keymod High Cycle Version is a member of A&K High Shooting Rate series, and will launched in 2018. Airsoft players shouldn’t miss it….



    Ares Vz. 58 .223 Rem


    香港戰神(Ares)槍廠在2016年推出捷克Vz.58突擊步槍的氣槍版後雖然在市場上算是叫好不叫座的小眾玩意但多虧Cinemax動作影集勇者逆襲(Strike Back)兩位男主角在片中手持Vz.58驍勇善戰,不但讓Vz.58在歐美熱賣,Ares決定推出Vz.58系列的.223 Rem槍型以饗槍迷,也讓Ares整個 Vz.58 槍族更加完整

    Since Ares launched the AEG version of Czech Vz.58 in 2016, the market response was good, but not as good as Ares expected. Thanks to Cinemax TV series “Strike Back”, the action scenes of two leading actors use Vz.58 to wipe out terrorists made Vz.58 gained huge popularity in the Western market. In this case, Ares swiftly released the Vz.58 .223 Rem series recently, which formed the complete Ares SA Vz.58 family….


    LCT SG-1 DMR


    After launching the LC-3 assault rifle in this July, LCT continues to release the SG-1 DMR recently. This AEG version of Designated Marksman Rifle is built under real weapon standard, and it’s definitely the must-buy item to all the G3 fans…. 


    Air Arms Galahad

    這把以圓桌武士格拉海德(Galahad)為名的氣動步槍,是Air Arms為解決傳統氣槍重心較難掌握的缺點而設計的中握式步槍,槍枝重心移至握把後方,並採用中置式上膛系統,讓射手只需輕鬆地使用左或右手操作,無需移動身體便可輕鬆完成上膛和射擊,是一支兼顧強度和精度功能的新型氣動步槍

    Named after the famous round table knight, Galahad is the solution of British Air Arms toward traditional air gun. It has new chambering system, which moves the center of gravity toward the back of grip. You may load and fire the gun without moving your body. It’s a fine piece of works that combines accuracy and fire power….


    Nova Vista HP-M1000 Air Gun

    雖然PCP儲氣式氣槍近年越來越流行,但由Nova Vista公司開發的內置打氣泵HP-M1000氣槍卻在眾多儲氣式氣槍品種中獨樹一格,它滿足了氣槍愛好者對現代氣槍的四大要求:動力,速度,準確性以及價格,以下我們將詳細對此槍作介紹

    Although PCP airgun is getting more and more popular these days, but the Nova Vista  HP-M1000 airgun fits with built-in pump is extraordinary than others. It satisfies gun fans with four demands of modern airgun, which are power, speed, accuracy and price. Following is our detailed introduction toward HP-M1000….


    SPA Artemis CP1-M

    Artemis CP1-M氣槍一開始便被設定為運動用槍,其造型類似10m空氣競技手槍,可作為選手的訓練用槍,也可做為休閒運動用槍,能在戶外射擊罐頭和金屬標靶,省下去靶場的高昂費用

    Artemis CP1-M is designed as an airgun for shooting sports. It’s similar to 10m competition air pistol, and can be used as training gun or leisure sports gun. It can shoots cans or metal targets in the field, which may save cost for the shooting ranch….





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